
Monday 3 October 2011

Twelfth House Planets

Twelfth house planets are a bit of a mystery.  There are various theories about what this house really means.  The old astrology books talk about this - the 12th house - as the house of downfall.  When I was learning astrology my tutors sometimes described planets placed here as representing things or people lost to you - or lost to the person whose chart we were looking at.  The twelfth/12th house has also been labelled the house of dreams.   To an extent all of this rings true to me.  Perhaps most of all, though, this resonates for me as one of the houses of secrets in the birth chart. 

Everyone has a few secrets and if astrology can hint at them, it is usually thought to do so through three particular houses in the chart: the 4th, 8th and 12th houses.  The 4th house often relates to family secrets, the 8th house to financial and sexual secrets and the 12th house to secrets we even keep from ourselves.  You may want to think of it as the house of denial, because it is said to represent the unconscious mind and it is the contents of this part of the mind that we can often deny and ignore - those details only filtering through in dreams and passing thoughts, odd coincidences and so forth.

I think the 12th house is a bridge house - a house that really clearly sits at the edge of a doorway, the doorway to the Self, which arrives and shows itself more fully in the 1st house.  So, what happens when a planet is moving through the 12th house by transit - ie, when a planet currently in the sky is moving through the 12th house area in the birth chart?  I think that something so secret that it is virtually hidden from the self and the conscious mind may be trying to bubble through to the surface.  This may be especially appropriate if there was a planet already in the 12th house of the chart at the time of birth.  But it might be significant in the way I've described, even if that is not the case.

As an example, Venus transiting the 12th house might hint at a love affair or secret crush.  Maybe the person does not yet realise that they are very drawn to someone.  Or maybe they have a clue about an attraction but don't yet want to fully face it, because it would make their life very difficult (remember the theme of downfall!).  To some extent this may be a painful house, a battle ground area where the unconscious mind and conscious mind are trying to connect.  If you have a planet moving through this house over time, perhaps something that makes much more sense of feelings and intuitions will emerge when the planet enters into the 1st house.

It would be great to hear of your experiences of the twelfth house and planets therein, or planets transiting or progressing through this house!

Celestially yours....

Monday 4 April 2011

What's the use of Astrology? - New Zealand Earthquake Chart Link

We are delighted to welcome guest blogger and fellow astrology colleague, Faye Cossar, who is based in the Netherlands.  Faye is originally from New Zealand, making the recent earthquake disaster very close to her heart.  Faye asks:

What's the use of Astrology?

A criticism often levelled at astrologers is "if you know so much, why didn't you predict this and warn people." This is a fair question and I wish this was possible. But it would mean having to study every minute of every day in every town, obviously an impossible task. And even if it was possible I'm not sure that having a warning would help in cases like this, unless we could say "at a particular time don't be anywhere near Christchurch". The huge amount of damage is inevitable - perhaps the earth has a mind of her own. In my view, astrology cannot predict an exact outcome, as the universe is very creative with its messages. It would be great if we could control things with our predictions, but we can't. Life is never 'under control' and we need to deal with that. I suspect that if it was, nothing would change. Pluto, who is often one of the culprits in disasters of this nature, wants transformation.

So what is the use of Astrology?

We astrologers are always being accused of predicting things after the event. But what any astrologer worth his salt is really doing by looking at charts after events like this, is two-fold. One is to try to find some meaning in the universe and the other is to add to our own knowledge of "how stuff works". Astrologers will give many reasons for events like this, based on their favourite techniques. For me, I am looking for something exact at that location. There are many heavy things with the planets in the air at present and these energies will be a backdrop.

This blog contribution consists of excerpts from a larger article on the astrology of New Zealand and the recent 22 February 2011 earthquake disaster; please follow the link below to Faye's Pisces 2011 newsletter newsletter, which features the New Zealand chart and an interesting astrological analysis.

Faye's web site, where you can subscribe to the newsletter, is at:

She also has a blog at:

With thanks to Faye for allowing Celestial Spot to feature her work.
For individual, emailed readings from the UK visit : http://mindbliss.co.uk

Thursday 17 March 2011

The Hand of Fate & Destiny, Friendship & your True Self

When it comes to the hands of fate, destiny and friendship, which of these do we accept the most readily?

Friendship means a lot, but we have to work out if we trust people. There are also times when it seems impossible to discuss certain issues with friends or other people that we are close to. At such times people will often turn to an outside, trusted source of wisdom and someone who can hear about their situation, or reflect it to them in some way that is meaningful. I think this is often where ‘psychic’ readings and other divinations come in.

As for the ideas around fate and destiny, sometimes people use these words fate and destiny interchangeably. However, to me, the word destiny has tended to always carry the idea of something self-created, whilst the word fate seems to suggest the idea of a sealed fate that no amount of human intervention can alter.

In this model, destiny is in our own hands, whilst fate is something eked out upon us, something we have to endure or, at best, a set of results we have to discover – as though we have no option about where we go or what we do. Perhaps it doesn’t really matter how we view it. The question still hangs in the air – are we victims of circumstance in the situations we encounter or do we create our own lives through our choices?

This is a question I remember first thinking about in depth as a teenager, studying English literature in college. We were looking at Thomas Hardy’s novel Tess of the D’Urbervilles and one of the exam questions centred precisely on this subject. Tess, the central character, appeared to be lucky in some ways and unlucky in others. Was her sorry situation all her own doing or were others to blame?

I did not have a strong opinion about it at the time, although now I think that Tess was sometimes too proud. But she tried to keep to her principles and some would admire her for that. Either way, whether we see ourselves as victims, whether we our own worst enemies and whether we choose the hard path in life are all worth considering. Because there are always choices; sometimes we just don’t see them. Not without some help, anyway.

Think about a situation in your life now, especially one you are not too happy with. Ask yourself: are we victims of circumstances or do we have a hand in our own fate? Maybe you will have some feelings coming up as you consider this.

Interestingly, this is also a question that often appears in the context of giving and receiving Astrology, Tarot and Angel card readings. These are basically private, person-to-person, soul focussed readings, designed to put a person in touch with their true, inner Self. My belief is that this inner Self is a part of us (or may even consist of several parts!) that can get overlooked or repressed in various situations. I find that the tools in these readings act like witnesses and advisors. Tarot and Astrology never lie and Angel energy adds a strong sense of protection.

There are times when the true Self gets closed down – when the mores of society or the limitations of our personal circumstances don’t allow us to say what we really think and feel. Indeed, sometimes we can’t even feel what we really do feel, we go numb for a while, which can lead to feeling depressed or disoriented, tired or heavy. When we have a chance to acknowledge feelings, then these symptoms of dis-ease lift. The relationship between a trusted reader and the person seeking the reading (the client or querent) is in my opinion sacred because it allows for a person to explore their truth and thereby to contact their true Self in a safe environment. This is one of the reasons why readings ‘work’ for people. So, when clients come asking me “what is going to happen in my future?” I often go into their reading with the question in my mind: ‘well, what do you want to happen in your future?’ – because I don’t see it as cast in stone and fated. I see the reading as an opportunity to explore the paths ahead and for the client to discover more about what he thinks and feels, as an individual person. For therein lies some freedom, power and a chance to choose and create more of his/her own destiny.